Monday 3.24.14

Great form!

Skill:  3 x 500m Row or 400m Run

WOD: On the Minute for 15:00:
- 50 yard Shuttle
- Max. Strict Pull Ups*

*If you do not have strict, you may perform kipping.  If you do not have kipping, perform banded or jumping Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Post times and reps to comments.



Article:  Fit for the Fittest


  1. Has anyone else noticed the obscene amount of pullups we have done over the past two months? My butt is getting REALLY jealous of my back. Can we get some squats and deadlifts back in the program? especially for those of us that can't join the olly club. I WANT TO LIFT TOOO!!! Please and Thank you!

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