Saturday 8.20.11

Dietrich on his way back from the new 400 m Run course.  We'll be marking the run distances permanent shortly, so everyone runs the same route (and we won't have to fight the vehicles in the parking lot so much).
SWOD: Warm up and review of exercises

Metcon: "Whitten" 
Five rounds for time:
- 22 Kettlebell Swings (heaviest KB possible with good form)
- 22 Box Jump (24/20)
- 400m Run
- 22 Burpees
- 22 Wall Ball shots (heaviest ball possible to 10')

45:00 time cap. Compare to 12.18.10.

Post times to comments.  cc


  1. Had a member text me that he cramped up just reading this WOD!!! Classic!

  2. 4 rds in 45:00
    44# kb 2 rds, 35# kb 2 rds, 14# wall ball

  3. 4 rounds plus 22 kb swings and 3 box jumps.

    I used mostly a 62 lbs kb except for one round when it was being used, 24" box, 20 lbs wall ball.

  4. 44:03 RX'd (4 rounds 62#kb, 1 round 53#)

  5. Metcon: 3rds + 18 burpees 16" box and 10lb wb to the 8ft.

  6. Got into the 4th round. Made it to 5 burpees. Correction from the White Board where I wrote 4 + 5 burpees.

  7. 4 rounds + kb swings + box jumps and timed out while on the run. 62lb kb all rounds

    Thanks to Mike, Doug, Chris and Steve L for putting up the new addition to our Rogue pullup strucutre

  8. 49:sumthin
    53#KB,20#WB Thanks Ryan for lettin me finish I think ?

  9. That sucked but i'm more worried about how sore i'm gonna be in two days =(
    Metcon:46:00 3rds+400m run 35#kb,10# wb to 10ft and did more than 22 cuz of no reps..damn air ball.
    Thanks dani for doing this with me
