Saturday 7.30.11

Reminder, this is one of the benchmark workouts from the boards, so in order to get on it your form may be checked and scrutinized a little bit more.  So remember proper depth and height for wall balls and full extension during the box jumps. 
SWOD: 10 minutes of Pistol Practice

Metcon: “Kelly”
5 Rounds for Time of:
-Run 400 meters
-30 Box Jumps 24/20”
-30 Wall Balls 20/14 #

Compare to 3.12.11

Post times to comments.


  1. swod: pistol squats 10 back2back alternating legs(pr)
    metcon: "Kelly" 35:33 rx....Yikes !!

  2. 33:13. 25 seconds slower than last time but with the week I've had, I'll take it!

  3. Metcon: 42:44....step ups/ 14# and 10# ball( used whatever was available..mostly 14#)

    First time running in months..kicked my butt!
    Fun group this am..thanks for the cheering on!

  4. Swod 500m row 1:51
    Metcon 51:08 rxd do not EVER try to PR on a row before that workout no matter what Ryan S says. Thanks morning crew for all the help getting me through that one.

  5. 26:42. 1:08 PR. Melissa, suck it up:) Awesome job to both morning classes!

  6. 32:55 w/ step ups and 10# wall balls including a couple of "no reps" white Ryan didn't catch ;) And yes, I know I'm only cheating myself but today was that kind of day thanks to last night's vodka!

  7. 36:38 (no coach to witness) humbling...

    Just a friendly remnder about Med Balls - Make sure to wipe them down after WOD's like this cause no one wants to mess around with dirty, sweaty covered balls.

  8. 29:05. First time doing "Kelly" in 4.5 years of CF!

  9. I take it back.... Not rx'd. My wall balls sucked.
