Saturday 8.27.11

Jenn is doing a good job keeping a straight neutral lower back at the top of her sit up
SWOD: 15:00 of Gymnastics Practice

Metcon: As many rounds as possible in 25:00:
-15 Box Jumps
-15 Burpee Pull Ups
-15 Sit ups
-50m sprint

The 50 m Sprint should be all out effort each time.  Your rest is the walk back to the next station from the 50 m Sprint.

Post times to comments. cc


  1. 4 rounds + 4 box jumps:

    20" box jump
    regular burpees (couldn't get the pullups)

    reminded me of why I've been avoiding Saturdays. need to get my butt there more often!

  2. muscle up tehcnique and drill's's gonna happen, just not sure when ;)
    metcon: 5 rnd's +15+4/ 24" box,7'6" bar for burpee pullup's

  3. SWOD:
    1-2-3,1-2-3... back to back axle clean and jerk @ 135# for 6min
    METCON: 12min AMRAP
    50ft farmer carry @ 150#per arm
    12 burpees
    12 box jumps 24"
    5 rounds + 4 burpees
