Wednesday 9.14.11

Congrats to Alan for joining the Muscle Up Club yesterday! 
Who's going to get up on the double under board this week?
SWOD: Double Unders Practice. 

Metcon: "21's"
For time:
-20 Double Unders and 1 Sit Up
-19 Double Unders and 2 Sit Ups
-18 Double Unders and 3 Sit Ups
-17 Double Unders and 4 Sit Ups
so on and so forth until...
-1 Double Under and 20 Sit Ups

Post times to comments. cc


  1. SWOD: Du practice..a lil bit

    Metcon: 14:54 w/ all DU's

    Couldn't get a rythm w/ DU's until several sets in then it took me 3 tries on the last 1..uggg i was tired.

  2. SWOD: Practiced DU's
    Metcon: 17:53, subbed DU for 1 SU

  3. Oops, I meant 1 DU for 4 SU's

  4. SWOD: practiced DU's
    Metcon: 19:09

  5. SWOD (Mon. Backsquats)
    Metcon 21:40 RX (one DU at time)

  6. knocked off :1:10 pr. Good to see Hao back in action. Nice work 5:30 class !!

  7. 17:28 with singles (except last 5 rounds)

  8. "21's"
    13:54 rx

    And just for fun...

    Team WOD with the Fairfield SWAT Team:

    300 meter row done concurrently with partner doing:

    AMRAP in 15:00
    3 Burpee Pull-Ups
    6 Wall Balls
    9 Box Jumps

    Brad started with the row while I began the AMRAP. When he hit 300 m, we switched and he picked up on the AMRAP where I left off while I rowed 300 m, then we switched again. We came in first place!

    12 Total Rounds + 3 burpee pull-ups

  9. 21 double unders and very wet pants!!!
    22:53 as rx
    Note to self use less neck durning sit- ups
