Saturday 10.08.11

Friday's evening classes must have been so light because everyone was preparing for Burpees today.  Good strategy!
SWOD: Turkish Get-Ups/ work technique then 2x15reps alternating arms as needed (go light if needed for correct form)

Metcon: " Modified Rescue P.T. Grinder"
As many rounds possible in 30:00 (this is normally a 50min wourkout):
- 400m Run
- 50 Double Unders
- 20 steps of Walking Lunges
- 10 Sit Ups
- 5 Burpees

Post weights and rounds to comments. cc


  1. SWOD: 15right, 11left
    Metcon: 3rds, 1rd w/double unders, 2rds w/singles

  2. Swod- 26lbs (15 on right, 12 on left)
    Metcon- 5rds+1 run with half singles and half double unders

  3. Swod: 26# 10 each arm
    Metcon: 4 rds + 15 walking lunges
