Sunday 3.15.15

My favorite workout shirt and lately how I've felt......also a great podcast!

I love The CrossFit Open.  Not right before it begins, but usually right when it starts I begin enjoying it.

I love validating scores for the CrossFit Games Open.  I like seeing the huge numbers I see from some really fit people at our gym.  I enjoyed counting for a scaled division competitor for 15.3 and having to focus so hard because I could hardly keep up counting his single unders!  I can't move that fast even move that fast!

I love pushing myself to be better, and learning what exactly my weaknesses are this year.  This is also the time of year my throwing season starts.  Which means my level of fitness goes up a ton.  I was told today that I looked a little slimmer than usual.  That's good, but I still want to wear my shirt above and have enough weight on me to throw some heavy weights far.....but I got off topic there real quick.

My favorite part though, is seeing scores like this:

This athlete tested themselves to the limit on that workout.  But the most important part was they tried, they got a score, and now they know the most important thing to work on....pull ups!  I saw some athlete scores in the rx'd category for 15.2 that had 11 reps.  That means they completed 10 overhead squats and then got their first chest to bar pull up in a workout ever!

Remember, the Open is a test.  Use it to make goals for yourself and then ask us how we can help you get to those goals.

If I could have a goal for everyone, that would be that everyone in the gym could do what I believe is the most important movement: A strict pull up!  Some may be close, some may be far off.  But the work you do, whether you ever get one or not, will be more beneficial to your fitness, than simply continuing to do only those movements you know you can do.

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