Strength: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
WOD: 4 rounds:
You have 45 seconds to get as many repetitions as possible, then 15 seconds to get to the next exercise (or rest). (The workout will take 9 minutes)
- Goblet Squats (53/35#)*
- Kettlebell Clean and Jerk – switch arms as desired (53/ 35#)
- Toes to bar
*If you have pistols, count double your points for those (one pistol on one leg= 2 goblet squats)
That's my baby girl showing you a great squat..except that she's on toes slightly but that's how she's supposed to be for catching. We are naturally great at squatting but over time we develop bad mechanics. Let the coaches of the Compound help you get back to the basics! :)