Saturday 10.15.11

Join us for our fundraiser to support Mammograms in Action.  Doors open at 9 am, come participate, donate, or just support the athletes in their efforts!

Metcon:  "Amazing Grace"
For time:
-30 Clean and Jerks (135/ 95#)

Compare to 3.17.11

Post times to comments to get up on the big board!  cc


  1. Pretty bummed I missed today. But I did Grace yesterday.

    Metcon: 5:30 as rx'd

    Thanks Kyle for the encouragement.

  2. It was an amazing effort all around today! Most of us have been affected by or will be affected by breast cancer so thank you for coming out today.

    "GRACE" = 3:43

  3. WOW We have an amazing group of athletes at The Compound! I am so very proud of everyone for not only kickin butt in the workout but for helping us raise money for such a great cause. Thank you so very much for today!

    Grace: 4:44 RX'D!!!!

  4. "Grace"...7:07 RX PR by a bunch, first time rx!!

  5. Grace 6:36 rxd super excited about this one!!!!!

  6. Hey Doug you finished your lift at 7:01!!!!! I was a witness :)

  7. My first time ever doing anything like that before. Felt really good about it!!!

    Grace: 6:28 Rx'd
