Saturday 04.03.10

SWOD: Snatch practice. Work on technique.

Metcon: Team WOD
With a partner, complete:

-1 mile run
-100 Push ups
-100 Sit ups
-100 Back Extensions
-100 6-ft. Med. Ball Passes
-1 mile run

As a team of two, complete the reps for each exercise before moving on to the next. Only one partner working at a time. There is some down time in this workout when your partner is working and you’re resting, so we want everyone to choose the variation of the exercise that will be the most difficult for you to complete.

For the 1 mile run, split it into 400 m increments.

For push ups try to stay with real pushups (from straight arms to chest fist distance from floor) on the balls of your feet. Before going to knees, try spreading your legs apart further and further, so you are still up in a true push up position, but you have displaced the load of your body.

For situps, shoulder blades touch the floor and elbows hit your knees at each rep.

For back extensions, use the GHD machines and/or large tire before resorting to doing Supermans on the floor.

The med ball passes are basically a Thruster chest pass to your partner (50 each). If you cannot catch the ball safely, let it hit the ground, pick it up from a squat, and pass it back.

Then finish with the 1 mile run in 400 m increments.

Post your partner’s name and team time to the comments. cc


  1. how many 400 m increments per mile?

  2. No time for class today, so ran a 5 k in the morning.


  3. I woke up with such stiff hamstrings I could barely walk. So I ran a VERY slow 27:22 5k, working on running form and trying to work some blood into the hamstrings. They felt good afterward so it seemed to work.

  4. snatch practice w/pvc
    Mike C and I: Metcon team work 23:40

    You people are on it, great workout Saturday morning run bunch:)

  5. Team Elizabeth/Jerry this morning. Thanks for partnering up with me E.

    Team time = 31:58

    I was the anchor of the team. I couldn't get a decent stride going while running, my hams are still sore and tight from Thursday and the sprints. Elizabeth flew like the wind.

    Elizabeth has a flower bed to plant today. I'm inspired to plant some tomatoes this afternoon.

    All good knowing a CF workout is complete.

  6. Well, Sat is one of my two run days. I ran 1 5K with Craig and ran a blistering 28:03, which makes it 1:57 faster than last time I ran the 5K. Still sore from earlier in the week but Sundays a rest day. See the morning crew Monday
