Monday 6.28.10

This video shows Annie, one of the original CrossFit girls showing many different ways to progress to a full handstand push up.

Handstand Push Ups practice.

Five Rounds for Time of:
- 20 Steps of Overhead Walking Lunges with a bumper plate (45/25)
- 20 Burpees with a broad jump over your plate.

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, practice your handstand push up. If you can get upside down, but can't yet do full range of motion push ups, stack some Abmats or plates that will give you a challenging target to reach for. This will ensure depth consistency with each rep, but will also allow for progression by shortening this target each time you do HSPU's, until eventually you are going all the way to the ground. You may treat this as a skill session by doing a relatively easy version and keeping the reps low to practice the technique. You may also treat this as a strength WOD by doing the hardest version you can for sets of 1-5. Or you can treat this as strength endurance and do a few high rep sets. If you already have traditional handstand push ups, practice them on paralletes and start increasing your range of motion past your head. Either way, take 10-15 minutes after your warm up to work on this skill.

For the metcon, lock a weight plate out overhead and begin lunging for 20 steps (10 each leg). Your lunges should be deep and your trailing leg knee should kiss the ground each time. After your 20 reps, drop the plate and do 20 burpees. For the burpee, instead of jumping up, jump forward over your weight plate. Turn to face the weight plate again and repeat by completing a burpee and jumping back over the plate. Turn and go again, continuing until you complete 20 burpees. That is one round, and you will complete 5 rounds as quickly as possible.

Post HSPU progress, and metcon times to the comments section! bc


  1. SWOD: 3x5 press @105,110,95

    METCON: on the minute for 10 min
    75% 1rep max squat (used 245, then droped to 225 after 2nd round. 50 meter sprint, 5 chin ups (did jumping chins). I completed all 10 rounds within each minute but did 3 penalty rounds of 5 hspu cause of my wimpy assisted chin ups.

  2. SWOD:
    Shoulder press 5 singles at 195

    What Bill did. I used 275 box squats and went to jumping pull ups after round 3 so as not to rip open my newly healed right hand. Still kicked my butt. If I had more time I would've assessed myself some HSPU penalties for having to resort to jumping chin ups.

  3. SWOD: 3x5 press @105, 110(4), 95
    METCON: (What Bill/Brad did)Used 165Lb for Squat, 50 meter sprint (kinda), 5 chin ups (1st round strict) then jumping. I finished it within time. SMOKED!!!!!

  4. SWOD: So so so very close to a HSPU. Gonna keep practicing.
    Metcon: 19:31 (25lb weight)

  5. 20 overhead walking lunges 25lb
    20 burjpees over the weight plate
    time: 21:15

  6. SWOD 5x5 HSPU on the PVC things
    MetCon 17:27

  7. SWOD: handstand pushups
    Metcon: 20 overhead walking lunges 15 lbs
    20 burpees
    Focused more on accuracy than speed

  8. Metcon: Rowed 20 minutes for meters
    Goal was 4000m. i did..4287m!!! woo hoo i'm stoked and shaking terribly while i type this.

  9. This has to do with yesterdays blog but in case you didn't read Brads latest novel I wanted to share my post with you. It's what I feel The Compound represents.
    Community of
    Unthinkable obstacles
    Diluting their goals and achievements!
    You guys and gals are awesome. You make us all very proud.-EE

  10. For those of you that didn't read Brads novel..i mean blog yesterday, I wanted to share with you what I posted in the comments section. It's what I feel The Compound represents.
    Community of
    Unthinkable obstacles
    Diluting their goals and achievements.

    I am so very proud of all of you.-EE

  11. SWOD: 3 Sets of 5 HSPU
    Metcon: 18:24
    20 overhead walking lunges (45lb)
    20 Burpees with a broad jump over plate

  12. Hit CrossFit Draper today:
    5 rounds for time;
    800 meter run
    15 pull-ups
    50 push-ups
    Time: 38:30

    Swod: back squat 135 3x5

  13. hspu's: double mat10(goal met) single mat3 paralets 1

    wod: 15:03 rx'd think the shoulder is good:)

  14. Swod: HSPU 1.5

  15. 3 hand stand push ups with 2 abmats 3 times
    Metcon: 21:10 w/25 lb plate

  16. SWOD: Shoulder Press 195x5x1
    Metcon: every minute for 10:00 complete:
    3 box squats @ 275#-15.5" box (75% of max-365#)
    50 yrd sprint
    5 strict Chin Ups

    completed 4 rd's as rx'd before going to jumping pull ups. gave 6 penalties for not rx'd rds= 30 hspu

  17. Chris
    SWOD: 1 HSPU on the parallets - hands to ears
    Metcon: 22:16

  18. SWOD: First time doing handstand push-ups. Got 1 with 2 ab mats below.
    Metcon: 25 lb weight- around 20 min
