Thursday 10.14.10

Kristan Clever is executing a box jump with full range of hip motion.
Her hips are completely open at the top.

SWOD:  Row 500 Meters for time (Challenge: 1:25)

Metcon: "Jack"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

115 pound Push press, 10 reps

10 KB Swings, 1.5 pood

10 Box jumps, 24 inch box

Mikko Salo 18 rounds + 10 PP,

Kristan Clever 15 rounds (85lb, 1 pood, 24"),

Chris Gosler 14 rounds + 3 KB,


  1. SWOD: 1:55

    Metcon: Push press @ 75lb, 35 lb KB, 24 in box

    8 rounds- super hard!

  2. SWOD: 1:57

    METCON: push press -75lbs, 35lb kb, 20"

    6 rounds

  3. row 2:15 500 meters
    65 lbs push press 26lb kb and 5 rounds + pushpress
    and got 1 goal clean of 65 lbs

  4. SWOD: 1:55

    Metcon: Push press @ 75lb, 35lb kb, 24" box

    10 rounds

  5. SWOD: 2:20
    goal:under 2
    MetCon:push press: 55lbs, 26lb kb, 20" box-8 rounds
    goal: 9 ruonds!

  6. SWOD: 1:41 rows

    MetCon: 7 Roumds @ 125 push press, 62lb kb + 5 presses

  7. SWOD: 1:36 500m row

    METCON: 8 rounds + 3 pushpress 115#/ 62# KBell

  8. SWOD: 1:32 PR!

    Metcon: 4 rounds @ RX (62lb kb), bicep killing me. Switched to front squats instead of push press, one arm kb swings with right arm only. 3 more rounds. Damn rope and muscle ups jacked up my arm!

  9. SWOD 1:37 500M ROW
    METCON 7RNDS 10 PRESSES @ 115, 53LB KBL 24" BOX

  10. SWOD: 1:55
    Metcon: 7 rounds @ 65# press, 35# KB, 24" Box

  11. swod: 1:33
    metcon: 7 rnd's..100# push press
    53# kb
    20air squats per round subbed for the box jumps. 7 rnd's

  12. SWOD: 2:03 row

    Metcon: 8 rounds 65# push press, 20 air squats, 44@ russian kbs

    not feeling this workout today. I'm beat.

  13. SWOD 1:57 500' row
    7 rds 75# (6 strict press, 1 pp) 35# kb, 24" box

  14. SWOD: 1:47 row

    Metcon: 6 rounds + push press
    70lbs push press
    35lbs kettlebell
    20" box

  15. Metcon: 85lbs Push Press, air squats, 35lbs KB
    6 rounds + 7 push press
