Saturday 12.04.10

Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Collin Trent Thomas, 33, of Morehead, Kentucky, assigned to a Navy SEAL team based out of Little Creek, Virginia, was fatally shot on August 18, 2010, during combat operations in Eastern Afghanistan. He is survived by his fiancee Sarah Saunders, his parents Clay and Jean Thomas, and his sister Meghan Edwards.
HSPU Day# 19

Review the lifts in today's metcon.

6 Rounds for time of:
- 400m Run carrying a 45/25 lbs plate
- 12 Push Presses (115/75)
- 12 Box Jumps (24/20)
- 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/55)

This metcon has been modified from the original WOD posted on in that we don't have 50 lbs sand bags for everyone to carry.  If you really want to honor Collin Thomas, you can try out the 70 lbs sandbag we do have, or bring a duffel bag from home that you can load to 50 lbs.  Otherwise, the way we've modified it will be good.

Post times to the comments section!  bc


  1. 35:22. Subbed 12 sledgehammer strikes on each are for push press (Kate's request)

    HSPU Day #19 for later in the day

  2. 38:31 6.5 Rds
    (need to work on mental skills, ability to count and work out at the same time)

  3. "Collin"
    33:20 as Rx'd (but I did rack the push presses so that might not count as rx'd?)

    HSPU Challenge: 19

  4. wod: "Collin" 38;38 rx'd short term goal of 5 days on the last two weeks was met today. Its amazing to see how strong every single person is getting..something in the water up here!!

  5. Great job today everyone!!! Very sorry for starting everyone out so late.

    30:30 rxed.

  6. HSPU Challenge: 19


    32:05 Rx'd (All push presses unbroken...big progress for me)

    And Greg...stop beating me. You suck.

  7. "Collin" 34:00 1.5 rounds @ 75#, finished @65#

  8. Collin was a Kentucky boy...proud to participate.

  9. 4 rnds 39:14 95# Push Press.
