Thursday 2.3.11

 For the false grip you need your wrist bone touching the ring

Warm Up: 3 rounds
- 30 Squats
- 30 Hollow Rocks
- 30 Supermans

SWOD: 10 Muscle Ups or Muscle Up Technique

Metcon: AMRAP in 20min
6 Barbell Burpee-Deadlift-Hang Power Clean (135/ 95 lbs)
- 10 Meter Crab Walks


  1. SWOD: Muscle Up Practice
    Metcon: 10 Rds+2 Kyles 105#

  2. metcon = 10 rounds + 4 at 135lbs

    Morning crew was thin but you all did a great job!

  3. did CFE #2: Tabata sprints uphill
    ran a lap around Alamo Park, then did all warm up drills in length

    Wycoff for my sprints: got further up than last hill closer to the top.

    Ran down Wycoff, another lap around park and 1min of walking lunges for cool down.

    Felt really strong running today. Must be the paleo foods working for me.

  4. Shoulder press, push press, overhead squat
    Metcon: 8:18
    3 Rounds:
    Row 15 cal
    10 push press @45#
    5 pull ups

  5. w/u was kickin' my tail...
    Muscle up technique stuff with bands..
    Metcon: 8 rnd's +3 burpee/DL/ PC @ 125#

    That was a good one...

  6. Metcon:

    10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans @ 155lbs/
    20-16-12-8-4 Hand Release Pushups

    11:21. Home WOD in the driveway.

  7. No mu... Sigh
    Metcon... 10 rnds at 135
