Saturday 5.07.11

Navy Seal Lt. Michael P. Murphy, who was killed while leading a reconnaissance mission deep behind enemy lines in Afghanistan.  (AP Photo/U.S. Navy, File)
On May 5th, CBS reported this story on their website about Lt. Murphy having a warship named after him.  So after reading that story, let's do "Murph"!

SWOD: Team picks and discussion on warm up and skills strategy

Metcon: “Team Murph”
Groups of 2 OR 3 per team-
Each Team performs entire workout with a 25/ 15# bumper plate being held at all times. If at any point during the workout the plate touches the floor the entire team has to do 10 burpees right then and right there!!

1. Run 800 m (2 laps) with plate, team has to run together, does not matter who holds the plate, can switch as often as they want
2. 100 team pull-ups (w/ bands?), somebody resting will be holding the plate
3. 200 team push-ups, whoever is doing the push-ups has the ??lb plate on their back, the other team members make sure it stays there
4. 300 team squats, to medicine ball with plate being held across the chest of the person doing the squats
5. Run 800 m (2 laps) with plate, team has to run together

Post team and times to comments. cc


  1. 44:55

    Greg: 25# plate on run, push ups, squats
    Maureen: 25# plate on run and squats, unweighted push-ups and blue band pull ups

    Day #7 of Harback Paleo-Zone Challenge -- made for a tough 45 min Metcon

  2. Sorry I missed it. Sounded like fun. Hope to get back on track with sat morning workouts!

  3. 28:45 was the one and only "Murph" for the 8 a.m. class. Cut it in half and completed the WOD w/ a 15# plate and orange banded pullups with knee.

    Thanks Ryan S. for the encouragement. Only barfed once ;)
