Wednesday 6.08.11

 The snatch is the most complex movement we do at The Compound.  To get better at them, get better at overhead squats and snatch balances!  Click here for a video of the snatch balance.  This girl weighs less than 120 lbs!

SWOD: Snatch Balance (keep it light, fast, and work the skill)

Metcon:  5 Rounds for time:
- 20 total steps of Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25. Make sure the trailing knee touches the ground on each step)
- 20 KB Swings (the heaviest KB you can handle with good form)
- 20 Sit Ups (Abmat are rx'd but you can scale up to GHD)

The SWOD today is meant to be skill work.  Use light weight and work on being fast!  Your arms and shoulders should hit lock out at the same time as you hit the bottom of the squat.  Stabilize the load overhead, and then stand up in an overhead squat.

Post weights and times to the comments section!  bc


  1. SWOD: first time with snatch balance. Worked on technique to 55 lbs

    WOD: 17:45 26 lb kb

  2. SWOD: worked up to 65lbs
    Metcon: 17:45 26lb kb

  3. swod: 65#&75# reps. x12
    metcon; 16:48 w/53# Kb

  4. SWOD: worked up to 55#
    Metcon: 17:16 w/44# kb

  5. SWOD: 85 lbs.

    Metcon: 15:54 with 53# K.B.

  6. SWOD: 55# practice
    Metcon: 12:20 Rx, 44# kb

  7. Swod: 55#-practice
    Metcon: 18:08 44#x3,35#x2 kb
