Saturday 12.28.13

Saturday at CrossFit Solano in Faifield, 10 of our members are participating in the “Capoot Fitness Challenge” Partner Competition.  This is an annual event held at CFS since 2011 when Vallejo Police Officer James Capoot was shot and killed after chasing a bank robber on foot.  All proceeds for this event will go to local Police Activity Leagues.
Please go and support our athletes and donate.
Directions to CFS can be found HERE

WOD: "Deck of Cards"

This workout will be done as a team (as one whole team or two teams). Shuffle the deck and leave it face down on one end of the gym. The teams will start on the opposite end of the gym and one member will sprint to their deck, pick a card, and sprint back. Each member of the team will complete the prescribed number of reps for the prescribed exercise. When the last person is done, the next member of the team will sprint and draw the next card. First team to finish wins.

- Diamonds = ?
- Hearts = ?
- Clubs = ?
- Spades = ?
- Joker = ?

*Coaches choice on exercises
* Each numbered card is face value
* Aces are worth 1 rep
* Face cards are worth 10 reps

30 min. time limit

Post your team's time to comments.

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