Sunday 1.19.14

How to Sign up for Classes:

With the influx of new members and returning members, it's becoming more and more necessary to require a sign in before class.  We cap our class sizes at 15 to make sure every member is getting the quality attention they deserve. Though most of our classes don’t hit that 15-person mark, it is highly recommended that you sign up for class ahead of time to ensure you get a spot in the class. If you show up without having signed up ahead of time and there are already 15 people scheduled, you will not be allowed to take the class and must wait until the next class starts (assuming there’s not already 15 in that one too!).

What is also tells us, is how many coaches may be needed in that class.  If we get more than 12 people in a class, it would be great to have that information so we can assign another coach.  Also, with another coach, taking on a class with 16, 17 or even 18 members becomes doable (see, we can be flexible with this policy if we have the right information).

Also, if you sign up for a class, make sure you show up.  If you sign up and don't show up, you may be taking a spot from someone who was unable to sign in because your name was there.

Bottom line: Sign up ahead of time. It’s really easy and doesn't take much time.

For those who don't know how, here's the easy steps:

1) Go to and locate the blue button on the right side of the page under the tabs, titled "Sign up for a class":

2) Locate the sign in/ up section in the upper right corner:

3)  Use your email (the same one you provided to The Compound upon signing up) to either sign up and follow the instructions, or to sign in.  Create your own private password during this time.  You will then have every open class time for the week to choose from:

4) Pick a class time and click the "Sign Up Now" button.  Then follow the instructions to reserve a class time.

You can sit down and plan your entire week and sign up for the days and times you plan for.  If for some reason you can't make a class time you signed up for, simply sign in and follow the instructions to cancel a reservation.

And for those of us on the go with smart phones, download Mindbody Connect for FREE and sign in for an class you want. Throughout the week.  Easy!

Please help us improve our coaching and customer service by letting us know when you are coming to class!

* And as always, if you need assistance, let a coach know and they will walk you through.  Some specialty classes often have trouble signing, so let us know so we can fix those issues.  Thanks.

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