Monday 03.22.10

The Sumo Deadlift starting position.
Notice his arms are hanging straight down, his shoulders are slightly forward of the bar, and his chest is up. What else do you see in his form? his heels? lumbar curve? head position?

SWOD: Sumo Deadlift 5 RM

Metcon: As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 min:
-Back Extensions x 15
-Knees to Elbows x 15
-Overhead Squats x 15 (95/ 65 lbs)

Sumo Deadlifts are not a new movement for everyone, we just simply took out the High Pull portion of the lift you are all used to. Sumo Deadlifts are the Deadlift of choice for some power lifters.

For the metcon, it's pretty self explanatory. A lot of mid section stabilization today. You may have noticed that knees to elbows come up quite a bit. It's not only a great core exercise, but also will strengthen the arms and shoulders for those of you still working on getting your first pull ups or improving on them.


  1. sumo: 35,65,85,115,135
    5 rounds

  2. sumo: 35,65,85,115
    5 rounds

  3. sumo deadlift
    35,65,85,55 (form)

  4. Sumo Deadlift: 155 x 5
    Metcon: 5 rounds + Back Extensions

    I am able to lift more with the sumo than the regular deadlift. It must be because DJ Kyle was in the mix this morning and he pumpin the tunes!

  5. Sumo Deadlift 5RM - 165#

    Back Extensions X 15
    Knees to Elbows X 15
    Overhead Squats X 15 (35#)

    5 completed cycles, plus 15 back ext. & 4 knees to elbows

    I think it was too long of a weekend, it kicked my a$$...

  6. First real WOD I have been able to do in 4 weeks! SWOD was solid 275lbs sumo deadlift and my MetCon was 5 rounds with 75lbs for the over head squat. I had to sub knees-to-elbows for leg-raises because my arm is still a little messed up.

  7. SWOD: sumo deads, 225

    Metcon: 5 rounds + 5 back extensions. Overhead squats are a killer, but i like them. Did my squats to a bench, protecting my knee

  8. Paul, I think you did 6 full rounds.

    Rough morning back into the gym, haven't done a metcon all week. Only did a few sets of Sumo Deadlifts. Then DJ Kyle returned the music to normal (after the "Chick" class left).

    Metcon: 6 rounds + 10 KTE.

  9. On my 6th round time was called on my 5th squat and now I can barely type.

  10. SWOD 225,235X3
    MetCon 5 Rounds
    (Modified weak Ohead Squats)

  11. Sumo Deadlift 135X5 rm, 155X4
    Metcon: 6 rds

  12. Sumo Deadlift: 185 @5

    Metcon: 5 rounds plus 14 overhead squats...

    Only thing DJ Kyle forgot was the strobe light and peacock shirts.

  13. This looks like a killer WOD, I'm bummed I missed it. Today I did a four hour hike and free hand rock climb in Birdseye, UT. The weather was perfect, the sun was out...awesome!!! Got a little nervous when I saw the fresh bear and cougar tracks...but, no worries, I could've taken 'em, I CrossFit :)!!!

  14. Sumo Dead Lifts up to 405 x 5

    Metcon: 3 rounds in 10:00.

    Since I took 13 days off of training due painting, moving, and work, I decided to do half metcons this week to work back into it. I felt that 10:00, too! Gotta get it back!

  15. Forgot to post from the 9:30 am class...

    SWOD- Sumo Deadlift- 105 x 5, 115 x 2-had to stop due to inner right thigh-think I pulled something a couple weeks back and it's still bothering me.

    METCON: 5 rounds as prescribed

    Brad....good to know that time off doesnt' just affect weaklings like me!

  16. Sumo deadlift:275x5
    Metcon: 6 rounds

  17. Sumo: 265 x 5. Killer WOD. 5 sets. Reached muscle failure on the 6th set. My arms have felt like Jello all day.

  18. Sumo D/L : 95- 245 x5 (275x1)

    Metcon:1 rep shy of 5 rounds :/

  19. sumo deadlift: 205, 225x2
    Metcon: 5 rounds @ 65lbs + a couple knees to elbows on the rings.

    felt great to be back in the gym after 16 days off!

  20. sumo deadlift: 135,185, 225x3, 275x2
    metcon:5 rounds would have down more but my form went to the waiste side (oh pickles)

  21. Sumo deadlift 165x5
    Metcon: 5 rounds 2 squats shy of 6.....UGH!!!
    modified squats @/35lbs

  22. Sumo deadlift 5x235
    Metcon 4 rounds modified squat at 45#

  23. 5 rounds plus 15 KTE

    at work so had to sub good mornings for back extension
