Monday 7.26.10

Steffanie doing KB swings at The Compound during Saturday's WOD. Notice the form: Her hips are fully open, which is where her power comes from. Her arms are straight, she has good posture, and a neutral head position.

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

AMRAP in 20:00 of:
-5 Pull Ups
-10 Push Ups
-100m sprint (50m shuttle)

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, work up in weight doing sets of 3 until you can no longer complete 3 reps with good form.

For the metcon, complete 5 pull ups, pull up with assistance if scaling down, or chest-to-bar pull ups if scaling up. Then do 10 push ups, looking to go chest-to-deck each rep. If you have to scale down, remember to raise your upper body with plates or boxes rather than going to push ups on your knees. You will then do a 100m sprint, by sprinting out 50m and back 50m. Repeat this for as many rounds as you can in 20:00.

Post weights and rounds to the comments section along with any scaled movements! bc


  1. CCFB:
    Front Squat 3@70% (160), 3@80% (180), 3@85% (190), 2x3@90% (205)
    Press 5x5 @ 85% of 1 RM, used 95 lbs
    Ring Dips 3 x max. 3x10 with band

    Metcon:10x100 meter rows with 1:3 work to rest

  2. CFFB WOD:

    Front Squat
    -3 @ 241.5 (70% of 1rm)
    -3 @ 276 (80% of 1rm)
    -3 @ 293.25 (85% of 1rm)
    -2 sets x 3 reps @ 310.5 (90% of 1rm)
    Shoulder Press
    -5 sets x 5 reps @ 170 (85% of 1rm)
    Ring Dips
    -Bodyweight x 10, 10, 8

    10 x 100m sprints on the minute. Fastest was around 0:15:20 and slowest was around 0:17:20.

  3. It was great to be back and see all the morning crew. I missed it being off all last week.

    Front Squat 3@70% (241.5), 3@80% (276), 3@85% (293), 2x3@90% (310.5) (working off 345# 1 RM)
    Press 5x5 @ 170 (200 was my last cffb total weight)
    Ring Dips 3 x 9,9,6

    DWOD:10x100 meter sprints with 1:3 work to rest fastest 15.02
    slowest 17.02

  4. CCFB:
    Front Squat 3@70% (160), 3@80% (180), 3@85% (190), 2x3@90% (205) I was only able to do one set and not very good either

    Press 5x5 @ 85% of 1 RM, used 95 lbs, I was able only get one set of 115 and the rest was 95 lb.
    Ring Dips 3 x max. 3x10 with band

    WOD: 10 X 100 meter runs rest in-between, best time was 15 seconds

  5. SWOD: 155#

    METCON: 5 round + 4 pullups

    Kim rocked today too!

  6. Back squat to box: up to 100 lbs...should have been 105 lbs but I forgot to add a 5# plate to the other side, oops
    Metcon: 11 rounds + 5 pull ups (a few kipping) + 8 push ups

  7. SWOD 2x165,2x185,2x205,1x185
    MetCon 15Rds+ 5 PullUps (I think I tied
    Kennys' son)

  8. w/u jump rope,pass thru's,pushup's,and 1 full rope climb(getting a hint of coordination on that "pesky" rope)
    SWOD:115-185 (did an ugly 205 2and stuck)
    Metcon: 15 rounds flat Kenny and Mike..nice job!

  9. Still working on squat technique and building flexibility to hamstring. Back squat up to 105lbs with good technique (best yet without break in technique).
    MetCon 8 rounds +5pull ups.

  10. SWOD: back squat 165lbs x 2 PR
    Metcon: 13rounds +5 pullups + 8 push ups
