Saturday 7.24.10

Come join us today for a great workout with our faithful Saturday Crew. There will be struggling, and groaning, and scaling, but absolutely no failing!

Round 1:
- 1200m Run
- 63 KB Swings
- 36 Pull Ups
Round 2:
- 800m Run
- 42 KB Swings
- 24 Pull Ups
Round 3
- 400m Run
- 21 KB Swings
- 12 Pull Ups

This was WOD 2A from the 2010 CrossFit Games. How does your time compare to the CrossFit elite?


  1. So.. on the way over I was thinking I dont want to run or do pullups....yikes!
    slill work:light snatch practice and climb that pesky rope
    metcon: 23:12 skins were on it this morning!!

  2. Great job mentally toughing out that WOD this morning, guys.

    I am finishing my low volume/intensity week so I did:

    -Cleans up to 265x1, failed twice at 275. Not a PR, Steffanie.

    -GHD raises 3x5

    -Hanging L-Sit holds 3x max time (which wasn't very long, and wasn't very "L")

  3. Men without Shirts

    Practice Cleans and Ohead squats

    MetCon 26:20
    44# KB
    Kip and straight pullups

  4. Metcon: 23:19 (jumping pull ups, 26# kb)

    even though I pr'd three times this week, it's nice to see you're human after all Brad!! ;)

  5. The sweat was flying off the skins today, great workout today even though I didn't want to do it, I felt great after for having pushed myself.

    Metcon: not sure on the time i think it was 35 something, it was rough.

  6. Great workout for the skins!

    Ran the full 1200, great for no acl
    completedmetcon in 33:00
