Wednesday 7.21.10

Mikko Salo performing a "Ground to Overhead" movement in the form a Snatch at the 2010 CrossFit Games. The Snatch is known as the Fastest Lift, with the distance it moves in seemingly one movement.

Metcon: Complete 5 rounds for time:
12 Ground to Overhead 135/ 95 lbs
Sprint 40 yards
21 Knees to Elbows
Sprint 40 yards
Post times to comments.


  1. SWOD: Ground to Overhead Practice-Clean & Jerk, Snatch with 55 lbs

    WOD: 12 Ground to Overhead 35 lbs-Clean & Jerk
    40 yd sprint
    21 knees to elbows
    40 yd sprint
    5 rounds for time-25:38

  2. Football xfit:

    SWOD: 12 MIN. of 2 rep @80% of 1RM for power snatch total 15 rounds completed

    WOD: 12 min. of 2 sets of 3 p/u, 5 pushup, 7 air squats for a total of 9 rounds plus 3 p/u and 5 pushups

  3. Just didn't have it in me today....recovering from a cold and jet lag just made it impossible!

    Did 2 out of 5 rounds of the WOD. No clue what my time was.
    12 clean and jerks/40 yard sprint/21 knees to elbows, 40 yard sprint.

    Not happy today!

  4. SWOD: snatch: 65lbs practiced form
    Metcon: 28:11 (55lbs)
    That was seriously a killer! My arms and shoulders are still like spaghetti.

  5. SWOD: Ground to Overhead Practice Clean and Jerk up to 125

    MetCon 26:09
    3 Rds@75 2Rds@95 to keep good form

  6. SWOD: technique practice for snatch
    METCON: 75lbs...40:07

  7. SWOD: finally got 95# clean and jerk, yay!!
    metcon: 30:15 w/ 75# clean and jerk

  8. swod: snatch practice, finally did a snatch that felt correct ,open hips with a deep squat to match it..excited! @ 95lbs.:)
    metcon: w/clean and jerk @95 and last set 105
    31:09 ( bob swears I did 6 rounds..not sure)
