Sunday 8.29.10

Kelly Starrett, owner of San Francisco CrossFit, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and trainer. Kelly recently started a mobility blog with a daily "Mobility WOD", which can be located following this link. These workouts show how to perform basic maintenance on yourself and can assist everyone's movement when preparing and recovering from our intense workouts. The above video was the first video he posted on his website.

Kelly also offers a Movement and Mobility Certification. Among other things, this one-day seminar provides information on avoiding common and preventable movement dysfunction and injury, and how to address simple performance related myo-fascial and joint mobility issues.

After checking out his blog site, if anyone would be interested in what he has to offer in his seminar we can see about hosting Kelly Starrett at The Compound. I met him yesterday at the CrossFit Football Certification Brad and I attended at his gym and we can schedule one in the future.

If you think you'd want to attend his seminar, leave a comment here and we'll see what interest we can generate. cc


  1. I am interested as well. I suffered chronic pain for years due to mobility restriction. I've done a lot of research on these types of therapies and this can add to that knowledge base. Knowledge is power! Thanks for sharing.

  2. i would be there with knee brace on and all! i seem to keep tweeking things lately so i'd definitley be interested in this.=)

  3. I've been looking at a couple of his WOD's and I would be interested in his seminar

  4. i would be interested to go

  5. yes!!!!!! anything to get my back better so I can get stronger!!!

  6. Funny, I was on his website last week. I'm interested.

  7. Greg and I are interested.

  8. Since I recently injured my back, I should probally look into it. I'm in.
