Monday 9.06.10

Happy Labor Day! As a reminder, The Compound is closed today so get out there and enjoy the extra day off!

In honor of Labor Day, today's WOD will require you to labor throughout the day, and is something you can do anywhere. It is more of a challenge than a WOD.

On the hour, for every hour you are awake today, perform 10 air squats and 10 push ups. You can do this at the office if you have to work, at the beach, the emergency room (unless you're there for a leg or arm related injury), or even your jail cell. If you're at Angel Island with Nicole you can still do this WOD! Since no equipment is needed, there really is no excuse! So if you're up for 16 hours today, you should amass 160 squats and 160 push ups.

Post your numbers of squats and push ups throughout the day! bc


  1. 3 rep max clean- 140ibs
    max chin ups (9) x3

    5 rounds for time:
    5 cleans @ 115lbs
    20 double unders 16:50

  2. SWOD: 7 minute hold in the squat position

    400m brisk walk for warm up
    400m run 1:49 , 1:49 rest
    400m run 1:58 , 1:58 rest
    400m run 2:14 , 2:14 rest
    400m run 2:27 , 2:27 rest
    400m run 2:11 , 2:11 rest
    400m brisk walk for cooldown

    this was done at AL PATCH park...the track there is very nice and its easy on the feet and knees

  3. SWOD: Max Rep HSPU x5, 2 minutes rest between sets

    Metcon: 50/40/30/20/10 Double Unders/SDHP@45lbs

  4. Hhmm, I lost count around 6pm when I stopped! It was great fun, though, especially when people stopped and watched and wondered what the heck we crazy people were doing. I think I did it for about 9 hours..... so that was 90!
