Tuesday 9.07.10

High-bar versus low-bar back squats from Brian L on Vimeo.

The above video shows the difference between a low bar and a high bar back squat. The low bar usually allows for a greater load, and therefore greater strength gains. However look how the lifter fails to maintain good posture and full hip extension at the top of the low bar squat (the right side of the video). If you are going to low bar squat, make sure you reach full hip extension and an upright posture with your shoulders pulled back and a big chest. The high bar squat, on the left, is generally considered better for athletes and is usually easier to maintain solid form. Play with both methods in your training for optimal development.

Don't forget your mid-line stabilization on these. This week we'll be doing a series of lifts that allow you to focus on keeping a stable mid-line: the power lifts, a.k.a. the slow lifts. Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. These lifts allow you to set the mid-line prior to your lift and focus on keeping it throughout, whereas the fast lifts like the snatch and clean can cause some lifters to go soft in the core during the lift.

Back Squat 3x5 with 10 GHD sit ups in between each set.

10 Rounds for time of:
- 30 feet of broad jumps
- 10 1-Arm Kettle Bell Presses (5 each arm)

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, 3x5 means after your warm up do 3 sets of 5 reps, all at the same weight. Aim for 80-85% of your 1rm. In between each set go to the GHD machine and do 10 sit ups. The ideal scenario would be one set of squats, :30 to 1:00 rest, 10 GHD sit ups, :30 to 1:00 rest, next set of squats, etc. Remember your stable mid-lines!

For the metcon, do as many broad jumps as it takes to cover 30 feet. Then grab the heaviest kettle bell you can handle, clean it into position, and press it 5 times with one arm. Bring it to the ground, clean it with the other arm and do 5 more presses. These should be strict presses, with no dip or leg drive. Walk back to the start and repeat ten times.

Post type of squat (low bar or high bar), your weights, and metcon times to the comments section! bc


  1. SWOD:
    Back Squat 3x5 @ 145# w/ GHB Situps

    10 Rds in 11:26 - KB Press 8Rd @ 53# / 2Rd @ 46#

  2. SWOD
    •Power snatch - 82% x 1 x 4 = 110 lbs
    •Power clean & power jerk - 82% x 1 x 4 = 185
    •Overhead squat - 85% x 1; 75% x 2 x 2 = 115, 105

    Metcon: 10:00
    3 sets; no rest:
    10 broad jump
    15 dips
    20 sit-ups

  3. Back Squat 3x5 @85 lbs
    Metcon: 9:51 (18 lbs)

  4. SWOD: 3 x 5 @ 95#
    METCON: 9:40 (~6 jumps per round; 18# KB-- started the last 4 rounds w/26# but hit muscle failure after 1-2 reps)

  5. SWOD: Back Squat 3X5-75lbs & 3X10 GHD Sit Ups

    Metcon: 10 rounds in 12:34 of:
    30 Ft Broad Jumps
    10 KB Presses (5/arm)-18 lbs

  6. Back squat 95lbs
    14.25 18 lbs KB press

  7. bk squats 135 3x5
    metcon: 10:35 kb 26/18

  8. Back Squat 3x5 @185 lbs
    Metcon: 9:51 (53/44 lbs)

  9. Back Squat: 3x5 @ 115lbs
    Metcon: 9:47 26lb KB

  10. back squat:3x5 @165 w/ghd situp's 3x10
    metcon: 10;something?(Mike help) @35 lb.kb

    Good to see Steve F. welcome home fly boy.
    Kyle/Nicole thanks for showing my niece the ways of the "Compound"

  11. SWOD
    •Power snatch - 82% x 1 x 4 = 95 lbs
    •Power clean & power jerk - 82% x 1 x 4 = 135
    •Overhead squat - 85% x 1; 75% x 2 x 2 = 95

    Metcon: 6:59
    3 sets; no rest:
    10 broad jump
    15 dips (With Band)
    20 sit-ups

  12. SWOD:
    Back Squat 3x5 @ 115 with 10 GHD sit ups in between each set.

    10 Rounds in 9:01
    - 30 feet of broad jumps
    - 10 1-Arm Kettle Bell Presses @26lbs

  13. SWOD 3x5 @165#

    Metcon 11:23 35#KB
    (Doug you were about 20sec

  14. SWOD Backsquat #145

    METCON 9:32 44# kb

  15. SWOD: Backsquats 3x5reps @ 285# / 30 GHD's
    METCON: 15:58 w/ 62#KB

  16. BSq 95 lbs. 3x5
    Metcon - 9:52 w/16Kg Kettlebell

  17. SWOD: Back Squat 125x5, 115x2x5 with 10 GHD sit ups in between each set.

    10 Rounds in 11:23
    - 30 feet of broad jumps
    - 10 1-Arm Kettle Bell Presses @26lbs

  18. SWOD: Back Squats 205lbsx5x3 + 30 GHD's

    Metcon: 13:34 (53/44/35kb)

    I may have done more than 10 rounds...

  19. SWOD 165#x5 max PR, 140# 3x5,
    metcon 11:45

  20. SWOD: air squats, my form sucks!
    Metcon: 11:00 (26kb)

  21. Metcon: 5 rounds of 30 situps and 10-one arm kettle bell presses w/26lbs (I was sitting on a box)
