Monday 9.27.10

The founder of CrossFit is great to listen to in his simplicity of explanation of ideas and movements.

SWOD: Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Metcon: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
-Thrusters 95 lbs/ 65lbs
-Pull Ups
Compare to 2.15.10

Post weights and times to comments.

Here is another quote I like from Mr. Glassman:

"I don't understand how it is that someone with only seven pull-ups could ask me how they could increase their muscle mass or strength. The obvious answer is, "work until you've got thirty pull-ups and you'll come back with five new pounds of lats and biceps alone." This kind of thing is true of squats, deadlifts, push-press, muscle-ups, dips and any other fundamental, functional movements. Athletes regularly working the basic movements never ask how they can get stronger or bigger they already know."
-Greg Glassman - Coach


  1. power clean = 215 lbs failed at 225

    Fran = 7:55 as rx'd (17 seconds better than last time)

    Greatjob to the 10+ 5am crew peps getting it done!

  2. Still nursing my hamstring. So I did strict shoulder presses instead of thrusters for Fran: 8:07

  3. Made up my own metcon to do in the hotel gym:
    30 double unders, 20 Air Squats, 10 burpees
    4 rounds in 18:25

    I hope to make it to Crossfit Denver this week

  4. SWOD: 90 lbs x 1 (PR)
    Metcon: 10:27 @ 55lbs
    I thought I beat my last time but I didn't. I did increase the weight to 55lbs this time so that is good.

  5. 85lbs power cleans
    Fran 65lbs at 14:11

    Thanks Holly for the extra weight! I did it!

  6. SWOD 205#
    MetCON 4:57 butterfly pulllups sloppy as hell

  7. 115 lbs. (same as previous pr), 15:25 FRAN @ 80 lbs. half kipping pull ups, half true jumping pull ups.

  8. 105 lbs. SWOD MetCon 13:35 @ 65lbs.

  9. SWOD: Power form sucks !! worked on form and did alot of "clean pulls" I need major amounts of work on this

    METCON: Fran 7:58 RX'D shaved almost a full 2 minutes of my last time

  10. 165 power clean
    Metcon: Fran 95lb @ 9 minutes

  11. swod:power clean 75-145pr(dumped 155..but I know with better technique Ill kill it soon.}
    metcon: Fran rx'd/8:27pr 23 seconds better than 2 weeks ago..

  12. SWOD: 95lb Power Cleans. Need to work on technique. Always psych myself out too much.

    WOD: Fran (For the first time) Rx'd 14:27

  13. SWOD: 85# power clean
    Metcon: 12:31 (65# thruster, banded pull-ups)

  14. SWOD: Power Cleans 155,165,175,185,195,205,215 (PR!)

    Fran: 5:06 Rx'd...26 seconds faster than last time.

  15. Came back again to work on Power
    Clean form....its still pretty ugly. worked up to 215#

  16. SWOD: something called muscle cleans worked up to 85lbs and then dropped to 65lbs to work on reps.

    Metcon: 21-15-9 v-sit rotations with 35lbs and ring rows. 9:12

  17. SWOD: 110(pr)failed at 115 need to work on the shrug part
    Metcon: 11:40 rx'd!! Yay, first time finishing a wod with all kipping pullups!

  18. SWOD 125#
    MetCon 12:34 w/ 65# thrusters and jump PUs

  19. Swod 95. PR
    Metcon: 10:30 #65/jumping pull ups
