Friday 10.29.10

Power Snatch 3rm

"Isabel"  (Compare to 8.05.10)
- 30 snatches for time (135/85)

WOD Tips:
Make sure to warm up with the Burgener Warm Up, since it's been a while since we've done any snatch variation for the SWOD.  Work up to a 3rm, or the heaviest set of 3 you can for the day.

For the metcon, "Isabel" is 30 snatches, but in reality it is 30 reps of anyway to get the bar overhead in a snatch variation.  You can power snatch, full squat snatch, or split snatch.  If you have to press it to lockout, the rep does not count, and you should take a quick rest before continuing.  Try to make each rep a quality rep over getting a faster time.

Post weights and times to the comments section!  bc


  1. SWOD: 75 X 3


    30 X 545LBS - 4:27

  2. SWOD: 60x3, 65x1
    Metcon: 5:21 @ 55lbs

  3. Really tried to work good form and catching the snatch as deep as possible.

    SWOD: 95x3, got 115x2 but just couldnt continue for the third and I dropped the weight.

    Metcon: did full snatches and my legs were burning with the light weight. 4:11 @ 75.

  4. SWOD: 115# X 3

    Metcon: 95# X 30 snatches 5:11
    Beat my last time by 2:00

  5. Nice job am crew! Snatches are a very difficult lift to master and you are doing great.keep it up! Nice job Thom..woo hooo

  6. SWOD: 35/55lb technique work. Still struggling with my overhead squat and getting depth.

    Metcon: 4:32 @55lbs power snatches

    Time to start putting more emphasis on this lift for me =(

  7. SWOD: 130x3
    Metcon As Rxed Full snatches 7:56

  8. SWOD: 135x3 got 155x2 and failed onto my ass on the 3rd

    METCON: 8:14 RX'D@ 135

  9. Team Training = sled pull/drag - 135 lb overhead walk -sled push/pull - 135 lb overhead walk....something like this. All I know is it was brutal and I give big props to Kelsy, Matt and Ryan for doing it AFTER doing ISABEL!

  10. SWOD 135 X 3R 155 1RM
    METCON 6:05 @ 135LBS

  11. swod:95x3 100x2 pr
    metcon: 5:17 @ 80lbs.

    light but efficient, full snatches
    Great job Alan and Steff!! Love this stuff, we are a collective work in progress, saaah weet!

  12. SWOD: 70x3 (pr)
    Metcon: 4:37 (55#, my arm is still hurting so I went light and worked on full snatch form)

  13. SWOD: 55# x3
    Metcon: 6:21 55#

  14. SWOD: 115x3, same as last time (frustrating!)
    Metcon: 8:22@115
