Saturday 10.16.10

Josh Everett v/s Dave Lipson at the 2010 CrossFit / USAW Open performing "Isabel", 30 Snatches for time, a similar workout to "Grace".

SWOD: Review movement standards for each exercise.

Metcon:  For Time:
-50 Sit Ups
-Run 400 meters
-50 Sumo deadlift high pull (45/ 35#)
-Run 400 meters
-50 Push Ups
-Run 400 meters
-50 Wall Ball (20/ 14# to 10 ft- scale as needed)
-Run 400 meters
-50 Sit Ups

Post times to comments.


  1. WOD: 30:46
    -50 Sit Ups
    -Run 400 meters
    -50 Sumo deadlift high pull (35#)
    -Run 400 meters
    -50 Push Ups- full depth
    -Run 400 meters
    -50 Wall Ball (14#-between 8 & 10 ft mark)
    -Run 400 meters
    -50 Sit Ups

    Great way to start my Saturday. Nice seeing you Nicole!

  2. 21:46
    subbed running for 400 m. rows...


  3. 20:01 w/ 50 GHDs/50 abmat situps

  4. Metcon: 22:21

    wall balls with a 14lb ball but super weak. hit my target very little.

    Good to see you again Nicole! Been awhile..
