Monday 11.22.10

Doug put in a lot of working yesterday "helping" me put in new fencing.  By "helping" me I of course mean I stood there and held things and misplaced tools while Doug did all the work.  Thanks again Doug!

SWOD: Back Squat 90% + 5 lbs x 1, then 70-75% x 2 x 5

Metcon: For Time:
Reps of 10-8-6-4-2:
-Overhead Walk Lunges @ 155/ 95 (One step = one rep)
-Chest to Bar Pull Ups

For the SWOD, know your 1 RM so you know how to partition your work sets.  We are going up for one rep at 90% + 5 pounds, basically add 5 lbs to what you went up to last week (unless you found your 1 RM, do the correct percantage this time).

For the Metcon, this is short, heavy, and explosive.  For the Overhead walking lunges, make sure each step is done with complete control of your body and the bar.  Your back knee should lightly touch the floor, not slam against it.  The bar should be over your head in an Overhead Squat position.  Chest to Bar means anything below the collar bones need to touch the bar for the rep to count.

Post weights and times to comments. cc


  1. SWOD backsquat 90% 140 70-75% 115. Only did 1 set of 5 ran out of time

    WOD: 35 lb bar doubled reps; jumping pull ups 10:20
    Next time I'm going to try heavier but not comfortable with the o erred position due to prior shoulder injury

  2. I meant not comfortable with the overhead position..... Dumb spell checker

  3. SWOD 1 @ 185# 2x2x5 @ 155#

    Metcon 7:10 75#s PullUps as Rxd'

    HSPU 1x4, 1x5

  4. SWOD: 310x1, 235 2x5

    Metcon: 7:29 with 95 lbs

  5. HSPU Day 7

    SWOD: Box Squat (14") 370#x 1, 285#x2x5

    Metcon: 4:54 Rx'd

    Rough one today! good job everyone for making it through that one.

  6. SWOD: 185 X2, 170 2X5 (Box Squat)
    Metcon: 5:17 with 75 lbs.

    Started the HSPU challenge with no pad just for Craig

  7. SWOD: 190x1, 150 2x5
    Metcon: 9:33 @65# and Banded Chin-ups.

  8. HSPU Day #7

    SWOD: Back Squat up to 385 where I failed. Then I tried 315 for 2x5, but could only manage 3 the first set. I did 10 reps with the weight because I was too stubborn to lower the weight.

    Metcon: 9:11 as rx'd.

    Can't wait to get my strength back!

  9. SWOD: 205x1, 190x 2x5

    METCON: 12:23 with a line at the lone pull-up bar. 45 plate held overhead.

  10. HSPU #7
    SWOD: 275x1, 225x5(2)
    Metcon:OMG... Humbled by the weight. First Metcon I've had to scale in 3 months. Pretty weak still from Sat wod. @135# and ctb pullups.

    Also thanks Doug for your hard work on the gate. Looks great man!!!

  11. Ahhh, poor Greg! Most of us are lucky if we can do one metcon as rx'd in three months!! Nice to know you're human after all ;)

    SWOD: 145x1, 115x2x5
    Metcon: 9:41
    20 Overhead Walking Lunges 35# bar
    10 Jumping chest to Bar Pull Ups
    12 Overhead Walking Lunges 35# bar
    4 Overhead Walking Lunges 55#
    8 Jumping chest to Bar Pull Ups
    6 Overhead Walking Lunges 55#
    6 Jumping chest to Bar Pull Ups
    4 Overhead Walking Lunges 55#
    4 Jumping chest to Bar Pull Ups
    2 Overhead Walking Lunges 55#
    2 Jumping chest to Bar Pull Ups
    (I misunderstood Erica so I did 12 overhead walking lunges @ 55# after my official time, sorry Kim)

    HSPU challenge: 5+6+7

  12. SWOD: 165x1, 130 2x5

    Metcon: 7:41 @ 65

  13. "Jailhouse 10" - burpees + 10 extra burpees + 50 sit-ups @ 4300' altitude. No oxygen here! 7 HSPUs

  14. Back squat- 1 @ 160
    2 x 5 @125

    Metcon- 10:08 @ 85 lbs with kipping and jumping pullups

  15. SWOD: 260x1, 210x2x5

    Metcon: 5:46 @ 115#

  16. SWOD 195# PR 145# 5x2
    Metcon 9:49 65#

  17. SWOD:145x1 115 2x5
    WOD:7:45 @55#

    HSPU day 7

  18. SWOD: 335#x1 , 275#x2x5

    METCON: 12:46 first 6 reps at 155# took me 4.5 i dropped to 135# and completed the wod

  19. SWOD 105x1, 90 2x5
    Metcon: 8:52 with 55lbs and swinging jumping pullups.

    * Two Metcons in a row of overhead lunges. BRUTAL!

  20. SWOD 310 X1 225 X2X5
    METCON 10:55 @135 LBS

  21. SWOD: 100x1-85-2x5
    goal: bump it up 5 lbs
    MetCon:worked on jumps for most of the time but finished in 18:40
    goal:under 12
    ...still sick :(
