Thursday 12.09.10

 Doug looks a little worried up there on the rope...or just serious focus?  Did we mention the potluck after the "Ugly Sweater WOD" on Friday, December 17th will be at Doug's house?  Thanks for offering up your place.

HSPU Day #24

SWOD: Rope Climb with Spanish Wrap x 5 rope climbs (or attempts)

Metcon: Complete 5 rounds for time:
3 Power Cleans 75% of body weight
5 Box Jumps 24"/ 20"
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
Sprint 50 yard shuttle (out 25yrd and back)

Post times to comments.  cc


  1. SWOD- Rope climb

    Metcon: 10:20 with 100# pwr clean and 24in box

  2. SWOD Rope Climb x 4
    Metcon (65%) Cleans

  3. SWOD: rope climb x 5

    Metcon: 7:45 with 110# and 24in box

  4. 3 X rope climb. Had it in me to do more, but we were out of time.

    9:33 at 95 lbs.

  5. 3 attempts at rope
    10:55 at 85lbs
    couldn't clean 75% of my weight yet! I will lose weight or get stronger!

  6. SWOD: 1/2 rope climb, yay! I probably could have climbed all the way to the top but I got scared!

    Metcon: 9:00 @ 95#
    1 rd @ 98# for some reason dropping 3 lbs made a big difference! ;)

    HSPU's 24

  7. SWOD: i can make it most the way up the rope..i have an issue with heights

    METCON: PC@185# 9:33 RX'D

  8. swod: rope climb x5 1,untimed,2 :22,3 :22, 4 :26, 5 :20(pr)
    metcon; 10;00 @120 ( slight back strain on last set did not complete power cleans -2)
    stretch,roll out stretch some more..good to go

  9. SWOD: Woohoo I'm not scared of the top anymore! Had a smile on my face all day:) Tape and long socks definately helped not ripping my skin off but it still hurt and I have a big bruise.

    WOD: 6 mbc
    10 medicine ball step ups
    10 ring rows
    5 rounds

  10. SWOD: 5 rope climb
    MetCon: 9:39 @85lbs
    goal:under 9
    still dont feel 100% :(

  11. SWOD: 3 Rope Climbs...cant figure out the foot hold!

    Metcon: 8:17@ 155lbs.

  12. HSPU Day 24
    Almost didn't make it to 24 today, since my arms are smoked from yesterday. Don't think I will be able to make the WOD tomorrow. Pushups are out of the question at this point!

  13. 205, and 185 for the metcon 24" box @11:01
    No rope climb just didn't have it today.

  14. SWOD: A bunch of rope climbs. Fear of heights is holding me back!
    Metcon: 8:31 Round 1 @ 105#, dropped to 95# for the rest.
