Friday 12.10.10

Awesome/ creepy video.....definitely wouldn't make it at our gym and even with the money she makes, what can she do with it?  Although, when it comes to OUR "aspiring hand model training", the goal of our gym is functional fitness.  We have all experience ripped hands while dead lifting, pull ups, cleans, etc.  If you feel your hand ripping, lower the weight, switch to ring rows or other modification, or simply STOP!  Ripped hands should be avoided whenever possible (unless you are winning a metal or money).  The goal is to be able to do something the next day, not be sidelined by torn callouses. 

HSPU Day #25

SWOD: Deadlift 90%+ x 1, 70-75% x2x5 (add 5-10 #)

Metcon: On the Minute....for 12 minutes
Perform 2 Front Squats and Max Rep Push Ups
 *Perform Front Squats @ 65% of 1 RM
 Score is number of Push Ups.

For the Deadlifts, try to add something (from 1 pound to 5 lbs) to the weight you lifted last time.  Then drop down the weight to 70-75% for two sets.  Compare weight from 11.29.10.

Post weights and scores to comments. cc


  1. SWOD: 1 @ 212lb, 2x5 @ 175

    Metcon- 95lb Front Squat, 101? pushups

  2. Metcon: 85lb front squat, 123 pushups
    SWOD: I can't remember... I kinda messed w the wight a little bit surprising myself, once again thanx to Craig :)

  3. Angel, I believe it was 175# x 1, 155# x 2 x 5

    Good job to everyone this morning. No rest for the shoulders during that metcon!

    SWOD: 505# x 1, 385# x 2 x 5
    Metcon: 153 push up reps @ 245# FS

    HSPU Day # 25

  4. SWOD: 485#x0=FAIL ,375x2x5

    METCON: 127 pushups,FrontSquat@ 185#

  5. HSPU #25

    SWOD: Deadlift 95% of 1 RM @300#

    Metcon: @95# front squat 160 pus hup Reps

  6. HSPU #25, missed some here and there though so I failed the challenge but going to continue...

    SWOD: SUMO Deadlift 95% of 1 RM @335# PR (grip was the weak link. Going to try a different grip for next sumo.

    Metcon: 155# front squat 202 push ups (got ugly at the end)

  7. SWOD 2@255#(90%+8#) 2X5@205#
    Metcon: 125# Front Squat/137 Pushups

  8. SWOD: 210x1, 155 2x5

    Metcon: 115# front squat, 159 push ups

  9. SWOD: 315x1, 245x2x5

    Metcon: 165 on the FS, 87 push ups.

  10. SWOD 180X1, 2X5 1445
    METCON: 125 pus, 85# front squat

  11. 325 Max 270 2x5 I have no clue how many PU i did

  12. SWOD: 155#s 2x5; no 90%+ deadlift today--back hurting
    Metcon: 104 push-ups; 75# front squat

  13. HSPU Day 25

    Still recovering from the push press and pull ups from Wed night. My arms are still VERY sore.......Sorry I missed the push ups!

  14. SWOD: 210X1, 175X4, 175X3
    Metcon: 137 push ups, 80# front squat

    HSPU's 25

  15. 285 DL, 215 2x5

    118 pus with 135lb front squat (fq became a little too heavy, and form was sacraficed. Next time lower weight)
