Tuesday 12.07.10

Andre demonstrating a planche ring dip

HSPU Day #22

SWOD: Planche Dips x 20 + Rorward Rolls x 10

Metcon: 5 rounds for time:
-15 Burpees- ea. rep ends with jumping 1 foot above your max. standing reach.
-50 Double Unders

For the SWOD, this is another progression from the push ups we did a few weeks back.  These can be done on rings, dip bars, in between boxes, static holds, partner assisted.  Pick a difficult variation for you and work on it. 

Post Metcon time and other reps to comments.  cc

Some Planche variations and Forward Roll demos:


  1. SWOD: worked on planch dips and forward rolls

    Metcon: 16:39

  2. SWOD: planche holds, forward rolls
    Metcon:18:51 rx'd

  3. I switched things up a bit because I can't work out tomorrow. I did tomorrow's SWOD (shoulder press 195x1, 160 x 2x5) with some weighted pull ups for fun, and I did today's SWOD (20 planche ring dips).

    No metcon for me. I'm saving myself for a soccer double-header tonight! Go Compound!

  4. SWOD: demo'd a bunch of Planche ring dips, push ups, and forward rolls.

    Metcon: 14:43

    HSPU Day #22 and soccer double header tonight!

  5. Metcon: 16:39 200 singles + 15 jumping burpees

  6. Planch Dips and Push Ups
    Metcon 16:21 (Tuck Jumps)

  7. SWOD: Planche dips(hands on outside of rings)x15
    Handstand forward rolls x5
    Metcon: 15:42 rx'd

    HSPU's 22 + a few one arm handstand holds to show Greg how it's done, ha! ;)

  8. SWOD: Planche dips (outside ring grip),forward rolls

    METCON: 19:52..double unders killed me, i could feel it in my shoulders from yesterday !!

  9. 12 ring planche dips on rings with hand outside
    33:00 time with DU
    Yea try to beat that time!!!

  10. Had to improvise again, since I couldn't make it in today.

    SWOD: 50 bar dips, hands to armpits, 1 min rest between sets.


    Metcon: 12:24 Rx'd.

  11. HSPU Day 22....

    don't know how I'm gonna start doing these at work to spread them out throughout the day. Dress pants and heels...gonna seem pretty weird LOL

  12. NO SWOD today as I am recovering from the flu.
    METCON: 50 DU-15 Burpee's x 5 sets = 21:34

  13. Also Back squats missed Monday and last week.


  14. SWOD: planche ring dip practice, forward rolls and handstand roll - that was fun.
    Metcon: 26:? as rx'd

  15. Took a extra rest day today to rest my back; came in just to work on pull-ups and handstands.
