Wednesday 12.29.10

Playing around with the new camera.  Makes the gym look big.
SWOD:  Thrusters.  Work up to a heavy single, but not a max.   

21-15-9 reps of:
- Thrusters (95/65)
- Pull Ups

For the thrusters, working to a heavy single will make the metcon weight feel light.  My best ever Fran time was after maxing out in the thruster.

Today's metcon will be another test that we will do again after the next three months of training.  The energy required for a proper "Fran" will draw from the glycolytic pathway, which is equal parts anaerobic and aerobic.  Any physical efforts lasting in the 2-5 minutes range.  If you scale this WOD, you will ideally scale it to be able to finish within this time frame.

Post weights and times to the comments section!  bc


  1. SWOD: 90# thruster
    Metcon: 13:49 65#/green band pull-ups (slower than last time but just glad to be a total slump)

  2. METCON: Introduced the 45Lb bar today to 1/2 my group. Hmmm maybe not such a great idea. 50Lb dumb bell thrusters. 14:07... I wasn't really this slow but spent a great deal of time helping my group with form.

  3. SWOD: 165
    Metcon: Fran 3:51 pr*

  4. Did yesterdays 5K on the rower
    5000 meters in 23:13 including water breaks and some easy rowing when i felt my lungs in my throat =). Goal was 22:00, something to chase after next time i guess.

  5. One rep thruster: 155lb and for the first time ever a sub 10 minute Fran: 9:18

  6. SWOD: 85#
    Fran: 12:44 65# ( My time wasn't that great but im still learning to connect my pu's) so i hit my goal of doing the whole WOD kipping :)

  7. Good job on the goal, Angel, and to everyone hitting PR's today!

    Starting Strength WOD:
    - Deadlift: Worked up to 430x1, then 255x 3x5
    - Shoulder Press: Up to 185x1, then 150x 3x5
    - Pull Ups: 15 explosive pull ups, then 260x 3x5 (including body weight)

  8. 1rep 85#

    Fran 8:57 with 55#, jumping PU

  9. SWOD: bench press 110#

    WOD: Fran with bench press instead of thrusters
    75# 8:34

  10. SWOD: 230# thruster x1
    METCON: 6:18 RX'D PR!!!

  11. Swod: 120#x1 thruster

  12. SWOD: 85 lb thruster

    WOD: 12:08 65 lbs, knee-banded pull ups (green)

    Thanks Angel for the kipping tips. I plan to practice this as much as possible

  13. SWOD: 100#
    Metcon: "Fran" 7:40 as rx'd (PR and 4 minutes faster then my first time doing it as rx'd!)

    Kinda proud of this one especially after last night's "Total" disaster! If it weren't for LA Ryan's super awesome 3:40 I would have nominated myself for Gym Member of the Day! Haha. Good job Ryan!!

  14. Fran: 14:37 was 75# and Band PUs

  15. SWOD: 95#
    Metcon: Fran 13:22 with 65# and knee is green band.

  16. Thruster warmup: 115x1, 135x1, 155x1, 165x1, 175x1 (fail)

    Fran: 4:40 Rx'd
