Thursday 2.24.11

See! Even Richard uses mostly legs!

Warm Up: 10min
- Coach’s Choice

SWOD: 5 Rope Climbs

Metcon: 5 Rounds
- 3 Thrusters (135/95)
- 10m Banded Sprint
- 10 Toes to Bar


  1. SWOD: Rope Climb 10ft - farthest I ever got!
    Metcon: 10:06 w/65lbs

    Thanks Kyle G for the rope instruction..we were in the mix this moring with some serious club music!

  2. Did Larry bring the Music?
    Anyway today we did a gear (25Lbs) trail run of 3.5 miles
    34:18 minutes and it was COLD here.

  3. SWOD: 7ft-first time doing a "real" rope climb!
    Metcon: 9:56 @ 35#

  4. It would be AWESOME to have a 7PM class again...couldnt get there by 630 yesterday and about 98% sure I wont make it there by 630 today just saying.

  5. CFE WOD #2: 4x5min w/3min recovery in between
    Did the 5k around Compound minus about 250 meters in 29 min! Thats including the walk rest periods. Felt fast and light on my feet today.

    Did a great warmup first cuz i was freezing-1,000meter row, 20 back extensions,20 GHD sit ups,20 ring rows,20 airsquats, then 2 minutes ez jog before WOD.

  6. climed rope to 15ft x5
    10:50 with 65lbs for thrusters

  7. SWOD: 50 strict chins (rope climb kills my arm for some reason)

    Metcon: 6:00 RX. Next time Kenny, you should hold onto the rope a little tighter.

    And I'm with Matt. About the 7pm class...I'm not actually WITH Matt. Whoa, this just got awkward.

  8. SWOD: 15 ft. rope climb x5.
    Thanks Kim for the climbing tip. It really helped to pull my knees up as high as possible each time I reset my feet with the Spanish Wrap. Was able to cover more ground with each pull.

    Metcon: 6:40 RX

  9. SWOD: 1 rope climb all the way to the top (PR)!! I might have had more in me but I didn't listen to Greg and burned my hands sliding down the rope :(

    Metcon: 5 Rounds
    - 3 Thrusters 65#
    - 10m Banded Sprint
    - 20 abmat sit ups

    Still struggling with my lower back problems.

  10. Oops, my time wasn't 6:40. I have no idea what was my time was. Maybe it was 16:40? I need to stop posting on here at 1 in the morning. There's no telling what I might post!
