Thursday 3.24.11

 Watch how he stays in the hollow position, toes pointed, and brings his head to floor in a tri-pod position with his hands.  This gives him optimal support, base, and balance to complete the movement.  Work on making your handstand push ups against a wall look like this, and then you'll be able to progress much faster to handstand push ups off the wall!

SWOD:  HSPU or handstand practice 10:00

Metcon:  CF Games WOD 11.1 Part 2
We're doing this one again because CrossFit has extended the first week and several people commented that knowing the WOD now they could probably "game" it, or use some strategy, to get a better score.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
-30 Double Unders
-15 Power Snatches

The power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg

The power snatches in this WOD could actually be called "ground-to-overhead any way possible".  If you want to clean and jerk it, you can.  It just so happens that the power snatch is the fastest way to complete the reps.  But if your shoulders get fried from the power snatches and your options are to rest or clean and jerk it, by all means clean and jerk it. Try to beat your last score!

Post weights and times to the comments section!  bc


  1. HSPU Practice
    Metcon 2 Rds+14 DU's RX'd
    (RX'd as in I finally got doubleunders, one at a time anyway)

  2. Strength WOD:
    - Overhead Squat: 245x1, 221x3, 196x5
    - Push Press: 245x4, 220x6, 195x8
    - Pull Ups: +70x4, +35x6, Unweighted X8

  3. swod: upside down stuff
    metcon: 4 rnd's +30 d.u's +7 ground to OH
    shattered last weeks score!!!

    METCON: did worse than last week...3 rounds even!

  5. SWOD HSPU Practice
    Metcon: 360 jr, 34 power snatch

  6. Swod: hspu's facing the wall w/ two abmats 2x3
    Metcon: 4 rds + 2 DUs as rx'd!!
    One round more than last time and ten lbs heavier! Thanks for the push Doug and Erica!!

  7. metcon: 3 rds + 30 DUs + 10 power snatches....sooooo close to 4 rounds!
    As rx'd.
