Tuesday 5.10.11

Back on heels, nice lumbar curve, shoulders in front of the bar and head in a neutral position.....

Metcon: 5K for Time

SWOD: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 (do not exceed 3rm weight)

Constantly Varied....So we are going to do the Metcon first. Compare your 5K time against 3.30.11. Try for another PR. After you are done with your run you will have the remaining time to complete the SWOD. Do not exceed you 3rm weight. Make sure that you rest enough, so you will be able to fill your lungs and push your stomach out without passing out! Good luck!

Post your comments and times


  1. CFFB
    SWOD: Deadlift 5RM @ 415#
    WOD: 10 rounds
    5 lateral jumps @ 20"/ 20YD sprint

  2. Metcon 23:05
    Swod 3RM 225#

  3. Metcon: 27:18 this might be a PR! can't remember exactly.

    SWOD: 215# the final lift was quite interesting, but I completed the lift. Completely exhausted.

  4. power snatch: practice..lots of it. to 105#, hard lift to master
    Romainian D/L..technique,warm up..4x8 @125 1x8@145 Nice lift up there Murphy!!

  5. Metcon: 25:15
    Swod: 205x1 Melissa said it was pretty ugly so I switched to sumo 205x2
    wish I could have kept going but I had a soccer game to lose :(
