Saturday 11.26.11

Aaron making his way up the rope
SWOD:  Rope Climb practice.  Wear protective clothing for your legs!

Metcon:  On the minute:
- 5 Burpees
- Max reps of Kettlebell Swings (heaviest possible)
* Continue until 150 swings are completed.

Post times to comments.


  1. SWOD: rope climb practice
    Metcon: 23:00, 20 w/26 kb, 130 w/18 kb

  2. Rope Climbs
    Metcon: 19:38 Rx'd 53#KB

  3. created a strength wod from some of Ryan S. Friday training log:
    Power cleans @ 135# 5x3
    back squats @ 165 x30 reps 6x5
    bodyweight chinups x30 ,fewest amount sets possible 8,7,7,7,1(better than last week) the last set pissed me off was at failure. metcon was eating turkey and sweet potatoes
