Saturday 12.03.11

For those of you new to the gym, Fight Gone Bad is one of the CrossFit benchmark workouts. It was designed for mixed martial artist BJ Pen.  Today's workout is a variation of it.
SWOD: Review of exercises and Tabata protocol 
Metcon:  "Tabata Fight Gone Bad"
Complete 8 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest for each of the following exercises:

- Wall Ball (20/ 14#, 10 ft target)
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/ 45#)
- Box Jump (20")
- Push Press (75/ 45#)
- Row (for Calories)

There is no additional rest between exercises. Keep score from rep one to the end.  Can you score higher than regular FGB, even though the work time is little shorter and there is more overall rest period? (13:20 vs. 15:00)

Post scores to comments.