Friday 12.02.11

I'm somewhere back there behind Fairfield PD's shields, because theirs are way nicer than ours. 
SWOD: Pull Ups practice. 

Metcon: "SWAT Op Gone Bad".  Compare to 4.21.11.
1:00, :45, :30, and :15 rounds each of the following:
- Pull Ups
- Sit Ups
- Push Ups
- Squats

For the metcon, keep track of total reps for all rounds and all exercises to get your total score. For example, if you do 10 pull ups the first 1:00, you would start counting your Sit Ups at 11. Do 1:00 of each movement in this manner, followed without rest by :45 of each movement, followed by :30 of each, and finally :15 of each. This will be 10:00 total, which is a short amount of time, so the object is to go all out!

On the Fairfield PD SWAT Team you have to make 245 total reps to pass the test and remain on the team. How do you measure up?

Post weights and scores to comments.


  1. Oh little bro, you can use our shields any time. And as of 2012 you have to get 250 reps to pass our test. WAY harder!

  2. SWOD: blue band
    METCON: 220, green band

  3. press makeup night:
    shoulder press95,105,110,115,120,125(pr)
    push press: 105x3,115x3,120x3,135x3,145x3
    OHS: 3x5 @ 95
    was not in a spot to dump weight if needed so did OHS instead of split jerk..had to do something. My work is getting in the way of training.see ya'll tomorrow

  4. 195 replaced pushups with extra situps or squats. wrists have been bothering me.

  5. 330

    not sure of standard

    sit ups [toes anchored]
    - (t) base of neck above base of spine
    - (b) bottom of shoulder blades on ground
    -pull ups
    - (t) chin above bar
    - (b) arms straight

    pretty sure I did the push ups / squats right

    slight rest between sit up / pull up station
