Thursday 12.01.11

Sorry I'm so late, getting this posted.  I was working the city of Vallejo all night for their guys.  We'll be trying out Matt's new toys tomorrow.
SWOD:  Sled Pushes 3 x 50 ft @ bodyweight.  Place your bodyweight in weight plates on to the sled (I have no idea on the sled's weight) and push it 50 feet for your fastest time.  Race a partner to push yourself.

Metcon: (SWOD 2): Try to add weight on each set:
- Shoulder Press: 1-1-1-1-1
- Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3
- Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5

Complete all sets of one exercise before moving to the next. Make sure you get a proper amount of rest (at least 2-3 minutes between sets). You will need it in the later rounds.  Compare to 6.23.11

Post times and weights to comments.


  1. I think the sleds weight around 50-60 pounds empty.

  2. SWOD: Sled Push: 115, 125, last one 135 @ 20 secs

    SWOD (2): SP: 65, 75, 85 (fail), 85 (fail), 80
    PP: 85, 90, 95, 100, 105
    PJ: 105x3, 100, 100, 100, 100x4 (missed the last one)

  3. SWOD: 200lbsx3. best time 17 seconds
    Metcon: SP: 55, 65, 70, 75, 80 (PR)
    PP: 75, 80, 85, 90, 95
    PJ: 95x5, 100x5,102x4, 102x4, 100x3

  4. SWOD 1: 3 @ 200 lbs, didn't time
    SWOD 2: 125 - 155 / 155 / 135 - 165

    1 muscle up!

  5. 52 dbl unders

    95-155/155-185/185, fail205

  6. sp- 55,60,65,70,75
    pp- 75x3x5
