Friday 3.16.12

A biomechanical analysis of two world record snatches.  I want to get this poster to hang at the gym.

Strength: Snatch.  Find 1rm

Conditioning:  On the minute for 10:00 using 60-65% of today's 1rm:
- 4 Snatch Deadlifts
- 3 Snatch High Pulls
- 2 Power Snatches
- 1 Snatch

Post weights to comments.


  1. SWOD: 95 x1, failed at 105 just couldn't get under the bar

    Metcon: @65, didn't get to the full snatch in 2 rounds

  2. Did my own "get my butt in gear" wod:
    1,000 m row, 3 rounds of: 10 back ext,10 ghd sit up, 10 kb swings 35/44,20 abmat sit ups, 5 pull ups, then finished with another 1,000m row.
    Feels good to get in here and sweat!!!

  3. SWOD: 55, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90 (PR!)
    Metcon: @65lbs all 10 rounds

  4. Swod Snatch Practice@65#

    Metcon 10 rds 65#(had to sub 2 Power Snatches for Snatch)

  5. Metcon: 12.4 wod score 189, not a great score but considering the last time I did Karen my time was 13:20 and I did in 7:20 today, I'm a happy guy.

  6. SWOD: Split Snatch-135#...finally found the cure to my crappy shoulders! Split snatch from here on out.

    METCON: 85#

  7. SWOD: 55 PR'D
    Metcon: 40#

  8. snatch 1rep max done on 7/5 - 160lbs
