Sunday 5.06.12

A lot of Squatting this last week. I know, because I programmed this last week. I watched this video a week prior to my programming week and I subconsciously must have thought of the video as I came up with the workouts. That.....or, most of our movements involve a squat of some sort and it is one of the most athletic movements anyone can do, when done correctly. Think of many of the exercises we do at the gym, how many involve squatting when done correctly, let's list:

- Air Squat
- Back Squat
- Front Squat
- Overhead Squat
- Snatch
- Clean
- Wall Ball
- Burpees
- Ball Slams
- Stone shouldering
- Snatch Balance
- Thruster

We probably do at least 5 of the above exercises each week. And that's not even counting the partial squats we do that require the power stance position, power cleans and snatches, box jumps, KB Swings, sumo deadlift high pulls, etc.

I like some of these tidbits from the video:

"Regardless of what the problem is, the answer is to squat."

"People who do not know how to squat do not have normal hip function, don't have normal leg functional," he says in this medley of clips paying homage to the movement. "They can't jump, run, throw or punch correctly."

"As a fundamental movement, the squat is a building block to every other movement in CrossFit"

"Do this well and everything else you do will fall into place.  Do this poorly and everything else is going to be a little challenging for you."

Every part of the body must be engaged and tight in the squat.

"If you find yourself down in the bottom of the squat and you're just kinda chillin', you're probably not squattin' right."

For those feeling averse to the squat, Greg Glassman, CEO of CrossFit has a simple question: "What is the preferred method for getting your ass off the toilet seat?"

"Can you hurt yourself while squatting?  Easily.  What's the formual?  Don't know how, add a lot of weight"

Anyways, enjoy the video, it has a lot of good points to it.  Then watch the video below and see if you can figure out how this athlete is going to himself, if he starts adding too much weight before fixing his squat?

Maybe there are some answers in this video from and try working the 10 min Squat test at home using tips you learn from The Compound to begin fixing and improving your Squats!

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