Thursday 5.03.12

Play time at The Compound, but all they wanted to do was workout
Strength: Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Conditioning: Complete this super-set for 15 minutes:
- 15 foot Rope Climb, 1 ascent
- 15 Push Ups
- 400 m Run

This is not for a round score, I know there may be a hold up at the Rope Climb.  Simply complete the work for 12 min.


  1. 95,115,135,185,225,245,265:
    Metcon:4 sets @15:30

  2. SWOD: 195x1
    Metcon: 6 rds very slow (not really timed, but it was way over 15 mins)

  3. Shoulder press 75x8
    Backsquat 123x6

    20 min of: (originally twice as many reps but cut in half because of time.)
    35 squats
    25Russian kb swings @ 88#
    20 wallballs @25#
    15 pullups
    10 broad jumps at least 6ft
    100ft over head walking lunges @ 25#
