Sunday 9.09.12

Yesterday, a few of us competed in Summer Slam.  It was a good opportunity to meet people form different gyms and take part in a friendly competition.  As with most competitions, you also find that you are able to perform better than you think, compared to simply training day in and day out.  And we even made some personal records while doing it:

Melissa, TK and I all PR'ed our 1 mile runs.  After practicing the last couple weeks, Kim was able to put together a couple Toes to Rings into Muscle Ups!

TK and Melissa in the KB, Wall Ball, Chest to Bar Pull Up Workout 
Kim performing a Toes to Rings into a Muscle Up

Melissa finishing up the last of our 100 Overhead Lunges

- The first workout we did was a mile run relay.  Each member of the team had to run a 1 mile leg.

- The second workout was a series of 3 events each lasting two minutes, with 1 min. rest in between.  First we had to lift "logs" for reps, second was sled pushes, and third was tire flips using an approx. 1000 lbs tire.

- The third workout was a 2 person workout, which Kim and I did.  We had 10:00 for as many reps as possible of 1 rope climb, 10 stones lifted to our shoulders, and 20 calories rowed.

- While we did that, Melissa and TK competed in the 4th workout, in which they both had 12:00 to do 21-15-9 reps of KB Swings, Wall Ball and Chest to Bar Pull Ups.

- The fifth workout was 3:00 minutes to do as many Toes to Rings into Muscle Ups.

- The sixth and final workout started when workout 5 ended:  We had to do 100 Burpees over a 3 foot wall,  30 Snatches, 100 Box Jumps, 40 Deadlifts, 100 Overhead Lunges, 50 Handstand Push Ups, and 100 Pull Ups.

We didn't get a team picture, we were too tired and I was wearing a "Kyle-sized" shirt because it was my only non-sweaty shirt at the end of the day.  But I did take a picture of our celebratory meal:

Thanks for all who came and supported and helped out!

1 comment:

  1. I was so proud of you guys. Fantastic effort and team work, and we even had our own pop up tent and Compound banner!! Fun day !!
