Tuesday 6.18.13

                            Common Lousy Push Ups.  Which do you do early in a WOD?  Late in a WOD?

Sagging: Dropping the belly in an attempt to hit, or reach bottom early.

Piking: Sticking the butt up in the air. This is usually accompanying a rest

Resting: Coming to a stop. This is usually tried at the top, often while piking, but may manifest as a collapse at the bottom.

Bouncing: This cheat is, exactly as the name implies, bouncing to rise to top again without effort. This is a big hit with fat guys.

Yogaing: With this cheat the head and neck lead followed by the chest then belly. It is a dynamic variant of sagging, but often performed as though it were a plus or artistic.

Reaching: Reaching's most common form is with the head and neck. Some cheaters can extend their head and neck an extra six inches in an attempt to find bottom early and avoid the pain of a real push-up. Look for the nose a foot below the chest.

Speeding: The count should be a slow "one-two" up and "one-two" down unless doing timed efforts like the Tabata Interval. For reps, they have to be slow and controlled.

Shorting: This is the worst and most common cheat where the cheater typically doesn't go all the way down. Not rising to the top is less common but still cheating.
***When done properly, the nose, chest and hips just barley strike the deck at the same moment.

Skill:  Ring Rows 3x max reps
A set terminates when your chest no longer makes contact with the bottom of the ring.  The goal is to get as parallel as possible (bottom of the rings in line with the top of a box).

WOD: As many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00:
- 400m Run
- max. Push Ups

A set terminates when you're chest no longer touches the floor (or box if you are using a scaled method) or you can no longer rest in the plank position.

Post Ring Row and Push Up reps to comments.


  1. RR: Can't quite do rx for many reps

    Metcon: 83 push-ups

  2. Ring Rows: 14, 10, 10
    WOD: 141 reps (in 7 rounds)

  3. RR 3,3,3
    WOD 36 reps in 5 rounds

  4. RR: 9, 7, 8
    MetCon: 115 Push-ups / 6x400m Run
