Friday 2.07.14

Although this is a competition and the bar gets a little out of whack, look how she maintains an upright torso and only drops her hips.  She does not bend at the waist.

Strength:  Back Squat 3-3-3-3

WOD: For time:
Reps of 21-15-9
- Bar-facing Burpees
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull

*Rx'd weight is 135/ 95#.
**HOWEVER, if your form is not in check during the sumo deadlift high pulls, coaches will drop you in weight significantly (if you don't do it yourself).  This is heavy weight for this move, so choose your weights wisely!

Post weights and times to comments.


Reminder, Paleo Potluck at The Compound this Saturday, the 8th at 6:00 pm

Event Page:  Paleo Potluck

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