Tuesday 2.02.10

Jeannette and Holly do "Helen" on opening day. Looking good ladies! We had a good turn out. Bring your friends and family out for a free trial workout and help spread the love!

For Tuesday 2.02.10

Strength WOD (SWOD):

Standing Shoulder Press- work up to a 5rm

Metcon WOD:
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20:00 of:
- 10 Broad Jumps (6 ft jumps)
- 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP's) Men: 95, Women: 55
- 1o Back Extensions

Post your highest press weight and the number of rounds completed to the comments section!


  1. Left shoulder still sore when overhead. Sub'd Bench Press: 275 x 5
    Metcon: 13 rds + 5 sdhp

  2. Shoulder Presses: 5 Sets and 5 Reps each: 70, 85, 95, 100, 105 (Last one for 3 reps only)

    METCON: 6 + 4 Jumps

  3. SWOD: Got 5 at 180, only 3 at 190
    Met Con: 11 rounds + broad jumps + 10 SDHP's.

  4. 5x5 to 110 lbs. Last set needed a push press. METCON 5 + 10 SDHP then ran out of time. :(

  5. SWOD: 115 x 5
    WOD: 105 x 12:35
    I have the newest war injury. Behind the neck, nice road rash.
