Tuesday 2.16.10

In light of yesterday's metcon WOD, click here to see Jason "Rhabdo" Kaplan doing "Fran" in an amazing 1:53.


Weighted Pull Ups 5rm (Or practice pull ups if you can't add weight)
Practice Handstand Push Ups, Handstand Holds, and/or pike push ups in between sets of pull ups.

3 Rounds for time of:
-800m Run
-50 back extensions
-50 sit ups

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, alternate between sets of pull ups and sets of handstand push ups (HSPUs). On the HSPUs, don't go to failure, just get used to the movement. If you can't do one, just hold yourself in the handstand position against the wall to get used to being upside down. If you can't do handstand holds, do pike push ups, which will be demonstrated. A metcon WOD is coming tomorrow that will involve HSPU's or a proper substitution, so don't wear yourself out on these, but practice the technique.

For the Metcon WOD, 800m is two laps around the parking lot, hugging the outside curb the whole time. For the back extensions, the GHD machine will be the most difficult variation. Substitute "Superman's" on the Abmats if needed. Use the Abmats on the Superman's to increase the range of motion. The sit Ups can also be done on the GHD if you want to make things harder on yourself. Otherwise, do Abmat Sit Ups. bc


  1. SWOD: Negative pull ups and kipping practice
    Metcon: "Michael" 25:30

  2. swod: Negative pullups and kipping practice and handstand pushups
    METCON: "Micheal" 34:40

  3. SWOD: Practice kipping,negative pullups: Handstand push-ups-5
    METCON: "Micahel" 33:04

    BILL-Where were you????

  4. SWOD: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 (PR), 50 x 3 (HSPUx 3 in between each set of pull ups

    Metcon: I did the West Nile Virus version due to chest congestion. 4 rounds of 15 GHD back extensions, 15 GHD sit ups, and jump rope work while Craig did his sets. Not timed.

  5. Weighted P/U: Bwt,+10,+20,+30,+40,+50x3 (HSPU x 3 btwn sets

    Metcon: same as Brad.

    No Bill today?!?!?!

  6. Strict pullups...still at 13 :(

    MetCon: 23:16 With REAL GHD back extensions...none of this seizure crap on the floor!

    HEY BILL....WHERE U AT?!?!?!

  7. Metcon: "Michael" 28:45

    *****before the WOD beat my goal of 20 pushups by the end of march, 25 in a row!!! ******

    Guess Bill isn't coming.

  8. Michael: 30:34

    Practiced handstand pushups

  9. Michael 31:11

    Where is Bill?

  10. Pull ups 17 1/2 x 5.
    Metcon: "Michael" 25:48
    old guys CAN DO IT!!

  11. Swod: negative pull ups, handstand
    Metcon: Michael 27:50
    Superman back ext

  12. Swod: neg. Pull ups, handstand
    Metcon: Michael...25:17
    Superman back ex on abmat

  13. Remote post from a secret government location in Fairfield.
    Unable to do SWOD due to injury. Tried some pike pushups to get ready for tomorrow.

    Metcon: Michael 22:42 for two rounds. Ran out of time at lunch.

    Bill wasn't here either.

  14. SWOD
    Weighted PUs' 5x12.5 3x15

    WOD 26:02

    AWOD(After WOD)
    Hot Tub Soak x 30 Min.
    16 oz. Curls

    What Doug said...

  15. SWOD: NOT just did some Kipping.

    WOD: 21:56

    Now I ran that parking lot three times, I even searched it after but I have been unable to locate Bill. Later in the day I thought I saw him taking the Napa Hwy 12 exit but I was unable to tell for sure. Bill come back.
