Tuesday 2.23.10

Snatch or Power Snatch 1RM

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
-Double Unders
-Abmat Sit Ups

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, this is a new lift for most of us, so really work the technique. If you do a power snatch, follow each rep with an overhead squat to get used to getting into the bottom position.

For the metcon, sub tuck jumps for double unders if you can't do them. If you can't do them, include them in your daily warm up routine so you can start to work on the skill! Once they"click" for you, you'll be ripping them out like crazy wondering why it took you so long!

People have been making some great gains in strength and technique over the last few weeks. At the end of the week we're going to test our strength levels relative to our body weight in The Compound Total and set a bench mark for future strength goals. Keep up the good work everyone!

Post weights and times to the comments section! bc


  1. I just did Annie this morning. I will be back later to do my SWOD.

    Annie: 9:20 all double unders

  2. Morning Squad killed it! Everyone did great learning that technical lift!

    I, unfortunately, am still not able to do overhead lifts affectively due to shoulder complications. So, I subbed in back squats for a 1 rep max of 390lbs; Then on to a great Metcon “Annie.” The work out was 50-40-30-20-10 reps of double unders and sit ups for a time of 9:13.

    I am looking forward to seeing great numbers and times on the board from all the rest of the CHAMPIONS!

  3. SWOD: Snatch up to 185, failed 3 times at 200.
    Metcon: "Annie" in 6:43 as rx'd.

  4. SWOD Practice form 85lbs

    Metcon 9:21 (Tuck Jumped)

  5. Forgot to Post this AM....

    SWOD: Snatch Practice form then 60 lbs.
    METCON: ANNIE 12:34 (tuck jumps)

  6. SWOD: 85 x 1 :( still working on it. Snatches are rough!

  7. SWOD: Technique

    Metcon: 12:10 Tuck Jumps

  8. Not gonna make it to The Compound tonight. Back at it Wednesday.

  9. SWOD: Technique (Still haven't pulled it together.

    Metcon: 17:09 (Double-unders, one at a time)

  10. snatch: 95 x1
    metcon: 9:45 all tuck jumps... still working on the double under timing
