Saturday 5.01.10

Snatch Balance, 155lbs, 090217 from Exploring Fit on Vimeo.

The Snatch Balance is a skill transfer lift assisting with the development of a Snatch. It helps you get stronger in the bottom part of the lift and confidant dropping under heavy loads.

Santch Balance 1RM

Max Rounds in 30:00 of:
- 1 Round of Cindy
- 35m Walking Lunges
- 35m Sprint

Post weights and rounds to the comments section. bc

And a big shout out to Danyel running her half marathon today! Good luck! We know you'll do great!


  1. Snatch Balance practice with bar

    Metcon: 9 rounds with scaling up to CTB p/u

  2. Last minute sked change. Daughter Julie is swimming in the MEL finals this morning 100 yard breast stroke. Go Julie!

    Need to grab an 8:00am spin class now to be able to make it in time to see her swim at Vintage HS in Napa.

  3. Snatch Balance pratice with bar

    METCON: 7 rounds with banded pull-ups

  4. Forgot to mention, sprints were not too good after the lunges. around round 6 i was trying to lap Dave, and we got in a "sprint" battle that looked more like "Olddiver" Paul in a walk race around the mall!

  5. SWOD: Pratice technique
    Metcon: 10 rounds + 5 pull-ups

  6. Metcon 7 rnds w/ banded pullups + 1 Cindy

  7. Metcon 9 rnds + 1 Cindy. Jumping pull ups Sugarland Concert last night, rough morning.

  8. Great job guys! That was one of the tougher WOD's we've done and you guys smashed it! Rest tomorrow. You guys earned it!

  9. Metcon: 11 rounds w/ jumping pullups
